Equality, Diversity & Inclusion |
What is EDI? |
Age |
Disability |
Ethnicity & Race |
Gender |
Gender Identity & Transgender |
Marriage & Civil Partnership |
Pregnancy & Maternity |
Religion & Belief |
Sexual Orientation |
At Cathedral Primary School, we are committed to equality. We want every member of our school community to feel a sense of belonging. We strive to ensure equality permeates throughout all aspects of school life and is everyone’s responsibility. Our Christian vision is rooted in compassion and equality. We celebrate the many voices of our diverse community and how they come together to create one harmony.
The Equality Act 2010 introduced a single equality duty for all public sector organisations including schools.
This is known as the ‘public sector equality duty’ (PSED). The equality duty has two parts the ‘General’
and the ‘Specific’. The Act introduced 9 protected characteristics:
- age
- disability
- ethnicity and Race
- gender
- gender identity and transgender
- marriage and civil partnership
- pregnancy and maternity
- religion and belief
- sexual orientation
Equalities Statement and Objectives 2024-25
Legal Duty
In line with the Equalities Act 2010 and the Public Sector Equality Duty, the following statement, which is reviewed and updated annually, demonstrates the school’s focus on providing equal and inclusive educational and non-educational services in a non-discriminatory manner for all members of our school community.
We are committed to meeting our Public Sector Equality Duty to:
- Eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under this Act.
- Advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.
- Foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.
We shall achieve this through:
- Implementing required policies and procedures
- Ensuring appropriate training for our staff
- School assemblies and special events
- Our curriculum and interaction with all members of our school community
- Our communications, website and publications
- Our ethos and values
- Appropriate oversight by school leaders and Governors
- Discussions with and feedback from our pupil voice
- Opportunities to reflect the multicultural nature of our school community
- Our use of display and development of an accessible learning environment
- Visits to museums, places of worship and places of local interest
- A focus on the involvement of parents and carers
- Feedback to our Governing Board
- The close monitoring and response to any incidents of inappropriate behaviour towards others as reflected in the Equalities Act 2010
The above will be monitored by senior staff and will involve seeking the views of pupils, parents and staff.
Our Equality Objectives
As a school we have chosen four main equality objectives which best suit our circumstances and contribute to the welfare of our pupils and our school community. These are a tool to help improve the school experience for a range of different pupils. These equality objectives have arisen from an analysis of our published data and other information, where we have identified there is potential for improvement on equalities.
Objective 1
To understand barriers to learning for disadvantaged children and close the gap between eligible students and their peers, through targeted intervention
Objective 2
To increase the pupil’s understanding of different religious groups and culture by embedding the new RE curriculum to staff and monitor progress of its use
Objective 3
To introduce a curriculum for Oracy to ensure that, in particular, disadvantaged pupils are supported in their speaking and listening
Objective 4
To ensure representation and diversity in our curriculum at Cathedral Primary School through the use of the CUSP curriculum and monitoring
Who is responsible for EDI at CPS?
Everyone is responsible for EDI at CPS but Louisa Gerolemou (Deputy Head) and Hannah Sheahan (KS1 lead) are currently coordinating the EDI projects at CPS supported by a working party and the Trust Equalties Group. The CPS governing body has ultimate responsibility for ensuring that we meet the requirements of the Equalities Act 2010 and at Trust level the Board of Trustees has overall responsibility for EDI.