Key Information 
PE & Forest School Sessions - Term 6 (June - July 24) Key Website Links

From Term 6 all PE lessons will take place at Cathedral Primary School  or Brandon Hill not the Shine Sports hall.  Only PE at Failand on a Monday morning will be off site.

Please can children come to school dressed in their PE kit for the day. 

  • Reception = Monday afternoons (Brandon Hill)
  • Year 1 = Wednesday mornings (Brandon Hill)
  • Year 2 = Monday mornings at Failand 
  • Year 3 = Tuesday afternoons 
  • Year 4 = Wednesday afternoons 
  • Year 5 = Monday afternoons
  • Year 6 = Friday afternoons

Year 2 - In Term 6 you will be having PE lessons at Failand on a Monday morning. The coach leaves promptly so please don't be late. 

Forest School Term 6
Mondays = Year 6
. Please see the calendar for more details. 
Tuesdays = Reception. Mornings only. Please see the calendar for class dates & details. 


Sports Days take place at our Failand site, Beggar Bush Lane, BS8 3TG.  

Remaining Sports Days for Term 6

  • Reception = Tuesday 25th June (PM)
  • Year 1 & Year 2 = Monday 17th June (AM)
  • Year 5 & Year 6 = Tuesday 11th June (PM)

Things your child will need in school:

  • Water bottle: Please ensure every child has a named water bottle. 
  • Book bags: Please bring this into school every day.
  • Warm Coat/Sunhat: We will be outside in all weathers so please make sure your child has appropriate clothing.

Forest School at Failand:
All children at Cathedral Primary School will have the opportunity to take part in Forest School. We are very fortunate to be able to use the woodlands at our Failand site. A group of parents have worked very hard to develop the site and create a natural environment for the children to explore and learn. When your child starts Forest School they will need to have these clothes to wear:

  • Long sleeve t-shirt
  • Wellies
  • Full length trousers
  • Warm jumper/fleece
  • Sun/winter hat
  • Waterproof coat/trousers

Please inform us of any changes to personal details so we are able to contact you in an emergency. It is important to have a daytime telephone number that is answered. The School, for reasons of expense, time and environment, avoids sending paper-based communication where possible. Therefore we will communicate via the following; email, text-messaging or website. Please ensure your email address and mobile number is up to date as the School will use text messaging for more urgent and short-notice communications.  

We regard the privacy of your child and their parents as extremely important. We will always endeavour to treat information you give us sensitively, and discuss with you how widely to circulate it. This means that although we will always listen to your views, we cannot comment to you in detail on the behaviour or circumstances of children other than your son or daughter. We will not disclose your personal details to other parents or other organisations without your permission or knowledge in Child Protection cases. 

In the event of sickness, or unplanned absence for other reasons, it is essential for parents/carers to telephone Cathedral Primary School before 8.45am on each day of absence (0117 353 2052 option 1), giving the reason for absence.

Requests for any other absence must be made to the Head Teacher, at least fourteen days in advance using the absence request form, which is available from the Office. Parents are asked not to book family holidays in term time.  The School holidays are generous when compared to other state schools and we will not authorise absence for holidays during term time.

We would ask parents to set good standards with regards to promptness. The doors open in the morning at 8.30am and close at 8.40am at the College Square site and 8.50am at the Brandon Hill site. All parents and children arriving at School after the doors have closed should report to the School office to ensure registers and lunch arrangements are updated. If a child arrives after registration then this lateness will be recorded.

Payments for meals, trips, music etc. can be made through Parent Pay, our on-line payment system.

School Meals:
Our School lunches cost £2.50 per child per day. All meals are ordered and paid for through Parent Pay our on-line payment system. 

Under the nationwide Universal Infant School Meals scheme, from September 2014 all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to free school meals, regardless of income or eligibility for benefits. By receiving free school meals, parents can ensure their child is eating a healthy, balanced meal every day.

If you prefer, you can provide a packed lunch for your child, but it is essential that you let the School office know; otherwise, a School dinner will be ordered for your child.

Breakfast Club:
Breakfast Club cost £3.25 per child per day. It runs from 7.45am to 8.30am. Breakfast consists of cereal and/or toast which is served between 7.45am and 8.20am. All payments and bookings for Breakfast Club must be made via Parent Pay our on-line payment system.

Fruit & Drink:
Reception have the opportunity to enjoy milk and some fruit each day. Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2) also have a fruit snack each day which the school provides. Drinking water is always available throughout the school, but we ask that you provide a named bottle of water for your child. Sweets/chocolate/crisps must not be brought to School.

Legal responsibility for the administration of medicines to children rests with the parents/carers. In special circumstances, the School will accept responsibility if the following is observed:

  • The parents sign a form of indemnity (available from the School Office). This must be completed before any medication can be administered.
  •  The medicine to be administered has been specifically prescribed by the family’s general practitioner.
  • The medicine is clearly marked with the child’s name and prescribed dosage, and safely deposited in the School office.

For safety reasons children must not carry medicines around School whether prescribed from the pharmacist or not. Any medication to be taken should be kept with the class teacher or School office. Asthma inhalers can be self-administered but the child or teaching assistant must keep records of any dosage taken.

Sun Protection:
During the summer months, please ensure your child is adequately protected against the sun by administering sun cream before the start of the school day and by ensuring your child brings a hat to school.