Year 1

Hip Hop Class Disco Class
Miss Sheahan
Pop Class
  Mr Armstrong
Rock Class

Year One Overview 

Reading Terms 1 and 2:

-Where the Wild Things Are
-The Storm Whale
- The Owl and the Pussycat
-The Boy Who Cried Wolf


Writing Terms 1 and 2: 

- Setting Descriptions
-Stories with familiar settings
-Instructional Writing
-Shape poems





NCTEM Curriculum Map



Term 1 and 2:  Seasonal Changes and Daily Weather

Term 1 and 2: Plants and Trees
Term 3 and 4: Animals including Humans
Terms 3 and 4: Everyday Materials

Term 5 and 6: Revisit plans and animals




Terms 1 and 2: Changes within Living Memory

Terms 3 and 4: Lives of Significant People- Mary Anning and David Attenborough

Terms 5 and 6: More Lives of Significant Individuals


Terms 1 and 2: Continents, Oceans and the UK

Terms 3 and 4: Hot and Cold Locations

Terms 5 and 6: Mapping and Fieldwork